Sims Park is about 18 kms from the hotel.The park covers an area of 12 hectares,it has been named after its main architect-J.D-Sims.It has beautiful lawns and an extensive collection of press and plans.

Lams Rock
This is about 6 kms from the hotel.The rock is situated on a high peak and commands a good view of Coimbatore plains.The rock is named after captian lamp who mage narrow path to this spot.

Lady Canning's Seat
It is closed to the lams rock,It is named after the wife of vicerocy lord canning.She spent long hrs sitting at this point sketching and painting the seenery around the lam rock.

Dolphin's nose
This is about 12 kms from the hotel.The nose is unique rock of tremendous proportions that looks like a dolphins nose.

Ralliah Dam
This is about 12 Kms from the hotel.It is situated near the Banthimai village.This dam provides water for the Coonoor town.